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Find out if you qualify to sell your life insurance policy.

© 2021 Coventry Direct LLC.

What is a life settlement?

A life settlement offers you the opportunity to sell their life insurance policy for significantly more than the cash value offered by the insurance carrier. Simply stated, a life settlement is the sale of an existing life insurance policy for more than the policy's cash value but less than the death benefit.

Insureds 60 years or older.

$100,000 or greater.

Any policy type.

Any policy type may qualify, even term!

No maximum death benefit.

Life expectancies up to 20 years or more.

About Coventry.

Coventry created the secondary market for life insurance, coining the term “life settlement” to describe the transaction that enables policyowners to sell their unneeded life insurance policies. For more than 20 years, Coventry has been the life settlement market leader, driving the industry forward and expanding opportunities for policyowners. Since its founding, Coventry has completed more than $40 billion in longevity-linked transactions.

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Watch Michael's Story

Meet Dr. Michael G., an Anesthesiologist. When Dr. Michael G. started having vision problems he went to a retina specialist, who determined that he had ocular melanoma––the most common cancer affecting the eye.

Around the same time, he had a term life insurance policy that was approaching the end of the level-premium period, and renewing would cause his premium rates to increase to an unsustainable level. The situation was even more complex given his diagnosis, which would make acquiring a new insurance policy particularly challenging. He felt stuck.

After seeing Coventry Direct on TV, he decided to call. He was surprised to learn about the variety of options that were available to him. Selling a portion of his life insurance policy enabled him to feel confident that the money he had been investing to maintain his term life policy over the last 19 years would not go to waste.

Additionally, Coventry enabled him to maintain a significant amount of life insurance that will help his wife and children. As a part of the closing process, Coventry sent the proceeds from his sale to fully fund the premiums of the new policy for the next 15 years, providing peace of mind and taking away the monthly premium expense.

"I was kind of stuck because I couldn't go out and buy more insurance because of my diagnosis . . . I called Coventry Direct and there were a lot more options than I thought there would be."

Working with Coventry

When you work with Coventry, you will receive personal attention and support. After you sign the Authorization form, we will provide you with a single point of contact to be with you every step of the way.

There is never an obligation to sell, and we charge no fees for our services. We are firm believers in the awesome value of life insurance. Our goal is to help you understand the value of this important asset you own – whether you decide to keep it or sell it.

Since 1998, Coventry has provided more than $4,000,000,000 to policyowners.

Faced with tough decisions on what to do with his term life policy, Dr. Michael G. was looking for a better option than a lapse or paying higher premiums. This is his story.

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